August 19th and 20th – An Opportunity to Help Our Military
The District Military Coordinating Committee (DMCC) looks for opportunities to support our military and veteran community. One such is occurring next month and we are offering information for clubs and individuals to participate if desired. Operation Gratitude...
Operation Flags for Vets – 2024
In the Fall of 2023, Rotary District 5340 chartered a new committee called the District Military Coordination Committee (DMCC). Its purpose is to promote support to active duty and veteran population in San Diego and Imperial County, bring together veterans and other...
District 5340 Military Coordinating Committee (DMCC) Established
San Diego County is home to more than 110,700 active-duty service members and 240,000 veterans, making it one of the largest concentrations of military personnel in the country. San Diego is the home to 118,300 family members, of which 60.7 percent are children, which...